Wednesday, January 11, 2012

men who don't cheatAre there any men out there who don't cheat on thier wives?

I feel like I am the only person in the world who takes marriage vows seriously these days.
Almost 12 years and have never come close! I try my best to stay out of any situations that could lead to cheating!

So ME ME ME I don't cheat!
Great question and best rating comment. I am on looking for some "hope" myself. True, true about cheat on you once, and the second....You don't love yourself enough.

Good question. There are many different answers to tell you, but there are lots of guys who do not cheat. It just that people focus on the negative things in life these days because what is on. My parents and dads family, all have been married and never cheated. It is how you make the relationship in marriage that works, communicating, treating each other with respect, thinking of each others feelings and holding on to what is dear in life what makes a great relationship. Good luck
I have never been married but I've been engaged. I have never cheated nor do I plan on cheating nor will I ever cheat.

I know what you mean, I have been cheated on and I have been the other woman without knowing i was the other woman. It hurts. The man I was engaged to did cheat on me and that's the reason why we broke up. It hurts.

It's like this person who is supposed to love you and protect you, is the one hurting you.
I have never cheated on my wife of 9 years. I have never cheated on a girlfriend either.
I have had opportunities and probably would not have been caught but I would know and I would feel like crap. I would not want to risk loosing my wife's trust. She can learn to love me again (she is doing this now I hope) but she could never trust me again and I would rather have trust as the base of my marriage than anything. So to answer you question, no I have never cheated and never will.
of course they are
example: my parents
they've been married for 15 years and I know for a fact neither have ever cheated on each other
I cant imagine ever cheatinmen who don't cheatg on someone I love so much
people have their reasons when it comes to cheating, i dont agree with it but they've had their reasons
I on the otherhand vow to also never cheat on my loved one
it would hurt them too much
I cant do something that awful to them.
I've been together exclusively with my wife for 33 years. 31 of them married. I have NEVER cheated, and there is not the slightest doubt in my mind that she has NEVER cheated either. There is no doubt in my mind that there are many couples in the world that have never cheated. Probably many more than those who do. We just never get any press, because we never do anything news worthy. Trust me you're far from alone.
I am 29 years old...and would like to think I am a good looking guy. I keep myself in shape and care about how I look.

I have been married going on 8 years next week now! And I have never cheated. I am proud of that, and never ever intend on doing anything to ruin my relationship.

Have I been tempted? Of course I have...and I am certainly not perfect. But I try my hardest to not fuel the fire of temptation. That is why I hate hearing about women who go after married guys. Geesh, give us a break girls. You know your beautiful...but please stay away from me!
I was married to someone for ten years that completely neglected me physically and mentally. I once went thirteen months without sex and did nothing to deserve that. There was only one weekend in ten years that I had sex three times in the weekend; and through it all, I never cheated.
ive cheated on every single one of my girlfriends, 20 or so... but i have never cheated on my wife. i took "i do" as a seriouse commitment. i still find other women attractive but i would never cheat.. even now being seperated and thinking the worst i wouldnt do it...i love her to much and it would add to much guilt and i dont want more problems than i have
My husband doesn't cheat on me, and I don't cheat on him.

We both take our vows VERY seriously -- divorce isn't even anmen who don't cheat option for us. Sometimes I feel the same way you do -- that no one else takes marriage seriously anymore. It's sad. :(
Most men I know don't cheat.But a man will cheat if he's been cheated on.What I mean is,if a man has been decieved before you your subject to feel that backlash affect.He doesn't trust any woman married or not.
I'm one of them. Well, I'm gay, I don't know if that makes any difference to you, but cheating is something that's really far away from me.
I am sure there are quite a few. Our civilized society has made monagamy important it also controls the spread of disease.
Did you know monogamy is unnatural.
That would require my husband getting his butt up off of the couch and putting down the tv remote. I would be more likely to cheat and I'm serious about that.
I have yet to cheat on my wife, but my wife on the other hand, well lets just say she is a very giving person.
I still think there are. But remember, wives cheat too, and probably just as much as husbands do. It goes both ways.

I've never been married, but I have never cheated on a girlfriend. And I definitely would not cheat on the love of my life whom I would marry.
i didn't cheat, but i'm divorced because she found somebody better.
we all cheat...those that are saying they don't/haven't are either lying or are about to cheat
Where are they ?
I know of many husbands who cheats on their wives with other MEN...
Look around ...
It takes all kinds to make the world. Some do and some don't.
My husband.

I have not cheated.

I heard of one once, but I never met him personally.
I don't cheat
but your a woman...that would just be your opinion that your husband isn't cheating..How do you really know?
Old kid raises his hand and waves, "Over here!"
I want to know too...someone please answer Yes....
Nope none. We all cheat so you should too.

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